Its been a week since 1st Syawal.
Lots of things happened during this raya.
It will always remains as sweet memories to me :)

1st Syawal ♥
On 1st Syawal, i woke up early at 7.30 a.m. i guess.
Feeling so excited cause its rayaaa! Took bath, dress up with
new baju kurung and i'm all ready to go beraya :D
But before that, had my breakfast eating
ketupat with kuah kacang and rendang ayam. Yummyyy!
Mummy, you're the bestest cook :)

While texting someone :D

Uncle Nizam's House :)

Candiddd :D

Say cheeseeeee!

My backbone ♥

I love you guys so much!

Friends forever :)
I guess that's all, my raya story :D
Better stop writing now or else my post will be so long like an essay.
Bye bye!
It will always remains as sweet memories to me :)

1st Syawal ♥
On 1st Syawal, i woke up early at 7.30 a.m. i guess.
Feeling so excited cause its rayaaa! Took bath, dress up with
new baju kurung and i'm all ready to go beraya :D
But before that, had my breakfast eating
ketupat with kuah kacang and rendang ayam. Yummyyy!
Mummy, you're the bestest cook :)
Our first destination is Kedai Gambar Siew Chan.
Took some raya photos there and went to Pekan visiting
Aunite Intan's house right after that. She cooked nasi minyak
with ayam masak merah and opor daging. My favourite :)
Around 2 p.m. we went back to Kuantan and visited Auntie Nisa's,
Auntie Beram's and Auntie Rose's house. The menu were
nasi tomato, lotong, lemang, rendang and of course kuih raya.
Although its such a tiring day but i was so happy
cause i already got duit raya :D
Took some raya photos there and went to Pekan visiting
Aunite Intan's house right after that. She cooked nasi minyak
with ayam masak merah and opor daging. My favourite :)
Around 2 p.m. we went back to Kuantan and visited Auntie Nisa's,
Auntie Beram's and Auntie Rose's house. The menu were
nasi tomato, lotong, lemang, rendang and of course kuih raya.
Although its such a tiring day but i was so happy
cause i already got duit raya :D

While texting someone :D
2nd day, my grandma, aunties and cousins came!
I missed them so much and finally, i can meet them.
My Auntie Suzie (mum's 2nd sister) and her 3 daughters, Aya,
Kakak and Kakdik, didnt sleep at my house
but they checked in at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Teluk Cempedak.
So in the evening, my cousins and i went swimming
at the hotel's pool. We had much fun :)
The next day, we visited Uncle Nizam's house
at Indera Mahkota. But pity my lil brother, my mum didnt
allow him to follow us cause she said that he needs to study for PMR.
Mummy, when can you be open minded and sporting laa? -_-
Then, we went to Pekan again and visited my grandpa's
grave. Its been a long time since he passed away,
since 1993 and until now, we never missed to visit his grave.
We miss you grandpa!
I missed them so much and finally, i can meet them.
My Auntie Suzie (mum's 2nd sister) and her 3 daughters, Aya,
Kakak and Kakdik, didnt sleep at my house
but they checked in at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Teluk Cempedak.
So in the evening, my cousins and i went swimming
at the hotel's pool. We had much fun :)
The next day, we visited Uncle Nizam's house
at Indera Mahkota. But pity my lil brother, my mum didnt
allow him to follow us cause she said that he needs to study for PMR.
Mummy, when can you be open minded and sporting laa? -_-
Then, we went to Pekan again and visited my grandpa's
grave. Its been a long time since he passed away,
since 1993 and until now, we never missed to visit his grave.
We miss you grandpa!

Uncle Nizam's House :)

Candiddd :D

Say cheeseeeee!
At night, we had our family dinner at Bambu Restaurant.
The main menu is ikan bakar! Me likeyyy :)
Finished eating, we went to Suzanne Boulevard.
Its karaoke time! Hehe.
But i guess its not a lucky day for me since
something bad happened to me. I mean really bad.
Shits happened on the 2nd and 3rd day of raya. Will tell you
on my next post okay? But still, everyone enjoyed
the night except for me. Haihhh :(
The main menu is ikan bakar! Me likeyyy :)
Finished eating, we went to Suzanne Boulevard.
Its karaoke time! Hehe.
But i guess its not a lucky day for me since
something bad happened to me. I mean really bad.
Shits happened on the 2nd and 3rd day of raya. Will tell you
on my next post okay? But still, everyone enjoyed
the night except for me. Haihhh :(

My backbone ♥
Nothing interesting happened on the 4th day.
My grandma, aunties and cousins will be going back home.
I just went to Auntie Eton's house at Tok sira with
Aya, Auntie Suzie and Auntie Sumarni (mum's 3rd sister).
Around 8 p.m. all of them went back to KL.
But i love the next day, which was the 5th day of raya.
I met my best friends and my ex-school mates.
Goshhh, its been ages since i last meet them.
We went beraya to Adda's and Muaddibah's house.
They also came to my house and beraya.
Sorry guys, i can only serve you guys with kuih raya since
my mum didnt cook anything for that day. Hehe.
My grandma, aunties and cousins will be going back home.
I just went to Auntie Eton's house at Tok sira with
Aya, Auntie Suzie and Auntie Sumarni (mum's 3rd sister).
Around 8 p.m. all of them went back to KL.
But i love the next day, which was the 5th day of raya.
I met my best friends and my ex-school mates.
Goshhh, its been ages since i last meet them.
We went beraya to Adda's and Muaddibah's house.
They also came to my house and beraya.
Sorry guys, i can only serve you guys with kuih raya since
my mum didnt cook anything for that day. Hehe.

I love you guys so much!
And finally at night, Najihah, Nadya,
Muaddibah, Mumtaz and i went for dinner at Red One Cafe.
Gossiping was what we did :D
Then, we headed to Teluk Cempedak.
Bought McD's ice cream, had a walk along the beach
and took some photos. I like doing all these things very much
especially when its so hard to see each other nowadays.
Gonna miss you guys very much too!
Muaddibah, Mumtaz and i went for dinner at Red One Cafe.
Gossiping was what we did :D
Then, we headed to Teluk Cempedak.
Bought McD's ice cream, had a walk along the beach
and took some photos. I like doing all these things very much
especially when its so hard to see each other nowadays.
Gonna miss you guys very much too!

Friends forever :)
I guess that's all, my raya story :D
Better stop writing now or else my post will be so long like an essay.
Bye bye!
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